
one year ago

it seems like just yesterday that we walked out of the logan, utah temple as husband and wife. i remember being so ethereally happy as he opened the door for me while holding my train, took my hand, and guided me down the walkway. despite the handshakes, hugs, cameras flashing, and directions from the photographer, i really only saw my new husband and how much love i felt for that man. this love has only grown, which i never thought possible after that day. he has seen me through good times and bad, taken care of me through sick days, and works so diligently to provide for our needs. how lucky am i to have gotten a ten cow man. happy first anniversary, my dear best friend.


Alisa and Crowells said...

Wow, has it really been one year already! You are one super couple for sure. Sarah and I had so much fun with your colors and flowers. Thanks for letting us be a part of your big day. Happy Anniversary, you two.

hay said...


Good to see you blogging! I'm excited to read your next post!
Congrats on one year.
Love ya Meg.


"...the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug..."
-mark twain
