
i'm in middle school... again.

 today i started the bsn program at weber state. not that i'm not going to learn a lot, but i kind of want to just get this portion of schooling over with. it's comparable to middle school. middle school was awful. you were having trouble finding yourself and you were in an awkward middle stage. anyways that was my experience. i'm having those kinds of feelings as i finish my first day. there is no pay increase for having your bachelor's degree in nursing (not that i'm in it for money, but i would like to be compensated for this extra work) but every graduate school requires that you have it. hopefully none of my bsn profs read my blog :) i just feel like a pimply metal mouth all over again! but as soon as i don that lovely purple cap and gown again and they hand me my fancy diploma cover, i'm applying for the nurse anesthetist program at midwestern university in arizona. i may not get in the first time, but that's where my passion lies. the human body intrigues me and i want to learn all about it and the effects of anesthesia. but for now i'll just have to find some good acne cream and stick through these next 2 years!


Alisa and Crowells said...

You can do it, Meg! Kendra's (my sister-in-law) husband just finished nurse anesthetist school in Tennessee. He totally remembers the stage your talking about--which he finished at Weber, too! I think you make a great comparison. Keep going--because time doesn't really stop. :)

Jamie said...

THat is great Meg!!

Bryce and Lauren said...

ha ha i love this. and don't worry, we get to don a BLACK cap and gown next time around :) There's something to look forward to for ya ha ha

"...the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug..."
-mark twain
