
good mornin' to you

since i've taken a daytime position about a month ago, i've made the interesting transition from a to a night owl to a morning glory. i can't believe how much more productive my life is. take this morning for example: hubby got up at 5:50am. amazingly i was also awake and able to crawl out of bed. i sat with him while he ate breakfast and we had some quality conversation. after he left for work, i did two loads of laundry, washed a mondo pile of dishes that had been piling up for a week, folded clothes, deadheaded my plants, payed bills, read a chapter of my book, and tidied up the front room. note that this was all done before nine am. this may not seem like a big deal to some, but i remember working nights. i didn't accomplish one thing. my life was devoted to sleep. i am so grateful for this positive change. hopefully i can stick with the cleaning/organizing routine rather than cave in for a few more hours of sleep :)

to brighten up your morning, click on the link for a catchy morning song:

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"...the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug..."
-mark twain
